What caused the trouble in the North?

Always go block P with my Vale supporting mate and I go in the Vale home end with him. But
You know to keep your gob shut and politely applaud the opposition goals
Why would you even contemplate going in the north (block b or c) if you’re an opposition supporter. It’s just asking for trouble.
Always go block P with my Vale supporting mate and I go in the Vale home end with him. But
You know to keep your gob shut and politely applaud the opposition goals
I've had lads I've been working with come to games with me and I've been in the home end a few times myself when I was younger, but like you say you keep your mouth shut and pretend to be happy for them that they've scored. You don't start telling people to fuck off and then shout I support of your team. It's just daft and asking for trouble.
You must be pretty thick or just looking for trouble if you buy tickets for the North as a away fan. Deserved what they got, if they had half a brain they'd just sit there and keep quiet which they obviously didn't. They got battered and so did there team.

I remember my Dad and his mate getting tickets in the nobber away end and him having the conversation with his pal "just remember if we score don't jump up and cheer!" But the nobbers scored and they sat there. A nobber next to them says "you're obviously Lashers!" My Dad's mate said "We never thought about what to do if they score!" 🤪

Luckily for them they were in their 70s and in a more family friendly stand.