Training a compliant society.


Well-known member
Covid has had, and is having, a massive effect on behaviour in society – not just in our country but around the world.

In the discussions which have already been on this site I would be on the side which thinks the response to covid has been disproportionately large – by virtually closing down the economy and many aspects of normal, everyday society.

So what, you may say, we’re managing a pandemic.

Mmmmmhh. Is there another story though?

I’m not talking massive conspiracy - but I do think there may be a bigger story.

In my lifetime the population of the world has tripled and resources, even water, are getting stretched. It can’t continue this way for long. It can’t.

And those powerful groups and powerful people who run this world, be they governments, billionaires, Rothschilds or whoever, know things can’t just carry on like this.

And if it can’t continue getting worse, do you cut back and get rid of millions or do you get people to act in a way that is manageable?

There exists a department within the UK government set up purely to understand societal behaviour and to make recommendations to governments on its findings – the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), or UK Nudge Unit, which was set up by David Cameron.

I would guess that this very real disease has provided those in power with an opportunity to see to what degree they can affect society’s behaviour. And they will have learned much by those results.

We may not quickly be able to train a compliant society BUT given the odds of there being several waves of this disease, if we repeat this closure of the economy, schools, the leisure industry etc. several times over a number of years, I think it’s perfectly possible to train a compliant generation, and then generations to come.
Of course you can train a society to be obedient. You just need the right environment for it. Wether that be a pandemic or a World War. At anytime of crisis you'll be aware and know what you have in the past seen as normal behaviour will have to adjust and change.
The bigger question I would think is for how long people will accept the new norm at any given crisis. As once the threat has gone how would carrying on as you had been doing during the threat be justified by those who have asked/told you to change your way of living prior to it.
Agreed Seasider,
The ongoing threat here being the impending ecological disasters and the need to change behaviours to either avoid or manage them.
At the beginning of Covid-19 in the UK and for some 10 to 12 weeks everyone was singing from the same hymn sheet. We were all amazed and happy to see clear sky's and wildlife in places not seen for years.
Give it a couple of days, weeks into easing restrictions and for a large number it no longer matters. As long as I can jump in a car, have a holiday abroad or more importantly go to a pub anything good to have come out of this nightmare has been lost. And as has been seen the people that are least effected by the virus (mainly youngsters) now no longer see it as a threat to our society and life can resume as before.
So going back to the OP I think whoever wants to implement new rules behaviour and a complying society will have to find a longer lasting crisis. And then have a controlled and managed way to come out of it whilst keeping a loss of freedom to the people without them realising they are losing their freedoms.

Maybe you didn't know that there is another forum for covid and political posts, here:

It was set up to keep this football board free from political rants. Thank you for your cooperation. UTMP 🍊
You're a bit late 29days ( if you'll excuse the pun), the right wing press in this country have kept the masses cowed for generations.
"When you wake up to the fact that your paper is Tory, just remember, there are two sides to every story."