o/t Kim Jong Un


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Reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is seriously ill after heart surgery are not true, officials in South Korea have said.
Headlines that Kim Jong-un was "gravely ill", "brain-dead" or "recovering from an operation" were always going to be impossible to verify.
But the presidential office in Seoul has said there have been no particular signs from the North to indicate the 36-year-old is "gravely ill".

Pretty sure he was brain-dead anyway 🙄
If reports are to be believed kim Jong Un is circling the drain.
You would not want to be one of his doctors should he shuffle off this mortal coil would you?
His sister is in line to take over and she is reported to be as bat shit mental as him, so I would expect much empathy off her.
I’m sure we are all aware you cannot believe anything coming out of certain countries or from certain politicians/ head of states-ok then most of them
His sister was key the co-operation between North and South Korea at the Winter Olympics wasn't she ? Surely that indicates that however batshit crazy she may be there's hope for slightly less tense relations going forward.
Doesn't the title 'The Peoples Democracy of North Korea' mean that all people are equal?
I suppose that it means, 'some people (especially Kin Jong Un) are more equal than the others'. 😕
I really hope that someone has the guts to start a revolution, but I'm afraid it won't happen.
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Team America: World Police. Kim Jong-Ill was possibly the funniest send up of a world leader I’ve ever seen
There will be a vicious power struggle when Kim Jong-Un snuffs it. KJU is in the direct male line from the “Great Leader” through the “Dear Leader” so any deviation would be challenged by his acolytes. And there will be plenty of other countries (the usual suspects) encouraging destabilisation so let’s hope their nukes are kept out of it.

Within the family there are always murderous attitudes. Apart from the executed uncle, let’s not forget the assassination of his half-brother Kim Jong-nam in February 2017 when he was attacked with VX nerve agent at Kuala Lumpur Airport. Kim Jong-nam was the eldest son of KJU’s father, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. But he had left the country and was considered a renegade. US officials have admitted to the Washington Post that he was a CIA asset.
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I was just going to put that in AK, about KJU killing his own family off because they were threats to his power.
Don't forget that not too long ago he sent 2 girls out of the country to kill someone who had upset him.
DaveP - the two girls were an Indonesian and Vietnamese tourist who were duped by North Korean agents into wiping the VX nerve agent onto Kim Jong-nam’s face in the airport. They thought they were taking part in a TV programme prank, a bit like “Game for a Laugh”. The Indonesian lady had the charges dropped and the Vietnamese was jailed for only two years since she admitted a lesser charge.
Doesn't the title 'The Peoples Democracy of South Korea' mean that all people are equal?
I suppose that it means, 'some people (especially Kin Jong Un) are more equal than the others'. 😕
I really hope that someone has the guts to start a revolution, but I'm afraid it won't happen.

The official name of North Korea is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The official name of South Korea is the Republic of Korea.

But your Orwellian point is still valid.
Poolborn, I thought I'd changed that. I have now.

If you look around the world you'll find that all/nearly all of countries, which have the words 'Peoples Republic' in the title,
are anything but people oriented. There's no such thing as democracy in those 'Republics'.
That’s because “Peoples Republic” is almost always applied to communist or ex-communist states. The only one left is China. So they tend not to have any history of democracy. Before their revolutions they usually had despotic regimes.
I’m sure we are all aware you cannot believe anything coming out of certain countries or from certain politicians/ head of states-ok then most of them
If it's the South Koreans stating that he's not badly ill then that's the closest we're going to get to the truth.
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"never believe anything until it has been officially denied" (think it was Van Bismark quote)