Not happy with the government?

That's the beauty of a democracy. The people wanted Boris because he was the best candidate. You never know, in five years time Labour might have more support.

I‘d argue it’s the problem, we don’t get Corbyn or Johnson on the voting paper.
Instead we get six, seven or eight names, most of whom we know fuck all about.
That's the beauty of a democracy. The people wanted Boris because he was the best candidate. You never know, in five years time Labour might have more support.
Doesn't look the best candidate now does he? In fact, he never was. He is what he's always been, a self-agrandising wordsmith, wrapped in a cloak of cod intellectualism. A shambolic narcissist who is always willing to lay down the lives of others to suit his own, personal agenda.
I think we'll see the northern 'red wall' begin to rebuild itself over the next couple of years.
It’s impossible to deny there have been some car-crash decisions in the last few months, yet I still shudder to think how it might have played out under Corbyn.