If Liz Truss was a footballer she’d be ….

Tested for STD - she would have tasted the Scarecrow if she thought it made her a leader.
Most on here know my politicial stances (and yup they mix), but the shit storm of Friday and her Frack-up-Thurs with Graham Liver (not quite Paxman) and the fact that The Chancellor is nowhere to be seen says a lot.
Great start for a king who can't even hold a pen.
Tested for STD - she would have tasted the Scarecrow if she thought it made her a leader.
Most on here know my politicial stances (and yup they mix), but the shit storm of Friday and her Frack-up-Thurs with Graham Liver (not quite Paxman) and the fact that The Chancellor is nowhere to be seen says a lot.
Great start for a king who can't even hold a pen.
I thought Liver did a good job.
Agree with Saer Sene. Brought in during a crisis, was ** dreadful, rarely made an appearance, and didn't last long. Possibly won a competition on a breakfast cereal box to get to where he was. The similarities are endless.
Agree with Saer Sene. Brought in during a crisis, was ** dreadful, rarely made an appearance, and didn't last long. Possibly won a competition on a breakfast cereal box to get to where he was. The similarities are endless.
Made only one 20 minute appearance as a sub apparently.🧐
I listen to BBCRadioLancs every day.
Graham Liver interviewed Liz Truss about the fracking on Preston New Rd this week.
He tied her up completely about the issue.
Eventually he said 'Do you know where Preston New Rd is?'
She didn't answer, and end of debate.
I listen to BBCRadioLancs every day.
Graham Liver interviewed Liz Truss about the fracking on Preston New Rd this week.
He tied her up completely about the issue.
Eventually he said 'Do you know where Preston New Rd is?'
She didn't answer, and end of debate.
Pity you can't ring Starburst as he wont know where it is either.
The amount of people clueless at whats going on is staggering it seems to be people believe msn. Msn is run by globalists that want control and 1 central bank. This crisis is mainly caused by the pandemic and the green agenda which is what they want. Its the second industrial revolution .The left are desperate to bring down the government even more now as trust is bringing in proper conservative policies which the majority of the public want and voted for they didnt vote for the liberal policies we got with johnson. Brilliant budget that wont see overnight success and is just a start .No talk of the 5% inflation the energy help is going to save but i guess people will never see that .All we get is the miniscule tax cuts at higher rate being focussed on and people are clueless why this is a good idea .They have no idea this is about getting the economy going and investment.The meltdown was predictable and will get worse as more loony green leftie wokery crap gets shut down. Majority of the country know this green crap is not going to work and do not want open borders or more handouts given to the workshy so why would they vote for labour it doesnt make sense can only believe the polls are also leftie funded like the media and lies or manipulated just like what is going on with vaccines and the drug industry in general where those paying for the expert opinions get the wanted answer they fund .All is not what it seems but the truth will eventually surface in the msn as its there now .Already proof there is massive complications with the mra jabs and pfizer are exempt from prosecution the msn is ignoring its your enemy stop waqtching