Early Christmas displays

It just becomes a pressure thing. Our kids keep coming home and saying can we put the tree up because little Jonny in their class has his up and it's all over social media! I don't get it! Mid-December you'll be wanting to throw it all in a skip. Second weekend of December is fine for me.
Always put them up second week in December and I will stick to that. However, I don't begrudge those that do it earlier, especially for kids in such a difficult year
I think it’s too early. But what do I know. Guess it’s personal choice. The ad men seem to have brought it forward too. Desperate times. Ours will be around 15th December as usual.
House in the street next to me has a tree up in the small front garden that is nearly as tall as the house itself. Been there since start of this month.
Normally don’t like to see Christmas decorations before December and mock people who have their decs up in November but this year has been so awful I don’t mind what anyone does to bring themselves and others a bit of cheer🎄🎄
You have to be a bit of an arsehole to snigger at someone for putting their decorations up a little earlier than normal in trying to brighten up a shit year for the children to look at and start getting excited for Father Christmas to come.
Across the road from my Barbers they've had them up since mid October!
Not even put the Halloween stuff up and the Christmas Decs where out.
Let people do want they want it's their homes if they want to paint the inside pink and yellow or put some decorations crack on.
God help us. Should be banned before December 23 and ripped up by kick-off time on Boxing Day. On pain of death.
This has been sutch an awful year🤦‍♂️

Think it was worse in the early 40's but people just got on with it.

And what happens when it ceases to be a special festive period?

It stopped being a special festive period when the advertising agencies realised it was a great say to suck excessive amounts of money from people!!

I remember working with a bloke who, when we were discussing what we were getting the kids for Xmas told me that both his girls were each getting a bike, laptop and the new iPhone!!

Are you mad? I asked that'll cost a fortune!!
Its Christmas Wizzerboy don't be a scrooge.
He worked every hour god sent to earn enough money to buy those gifts, plus the subsequent years to purchase more expensive presents in the years after.
I left that department a few years later and talking to someone who knew the lad told me that he'd died of a heart attack, he was 55.

At his funeral I saw his wife and daughters and wondered if the girls would like a brand new laptop or their Dad that Christmas?

It's not all about sparkling decorations, it's not all about expensive gifts.
It's a religious occasion that, along with other religious festivals has been raped by the add men.

Enjoy your family this Christmas not the latest iPhone.
Enjoy your community not getting heavily into debt.
Enjoy Christmas not peer pressure into putting up decorations or buying presents that you can I'll afford.

Enjoy Christmas for what it is👍🏻
This has been sutch an awful year🤦‍♂️

Think it was worse in the early 40's but people just got on with it.

And what happens when it ceases to be a special festive period?

It stopped being a special festive period when the advertising agencies realised it was a great say to suck excessive amounts of money from people!!

I remember working with a bloke who, when we were discussing what we were getting the kids for Xmas told me that both his girls were each getting a bike, laptop and the new iPhone!!

Are you mad? I asked that'll cost a fortune!!
Its Christmas Wizzerboy don't be a scrooge.
He worked every hour god sent to earn enough money to buy those gifts, plus the subsequent years to purchase more expensive presents in the years after.
I left that department a few years later and talking to someone who knew the lad told me that he'd died of a heart attack, he was 55.

At his funeral I saw his wife and daughters and wondered if the girls would like a brand new laptop or their Dad that Christmas?

It's not all about sparkling decorations, it's not all about expensive gifts.
It's a religious occasion that, along with other religious festivals has been raped by the add men.

Enjoy your family this Christmas not the latest iPhone.
Enjoy your community not getting heavily into debt.
Enjoy Christmas not peer pressure into putting up decorations or buying presents that you can I'll afford.

Enjoy Christmas for what it is👍🏻
Too true