Blackpool Vic quite


Well-known member
Just been at the Vic for a appointment. I’ve never seen the place with so few people around and those I saw were mainly nurses, I’m guessing but around 50% with no mask on.
Lots of non essential appointments and clinics cancelled ,no visiting so yeah appears quiet until you leave the main corridors and walk onto a ward
As for masks they are worn every time there is patient contact along with other PPE - strictly enforced and rightly so
They have moved the GP Led Urgent Treatment Centre (from next to A&E) to Whitegate Drive to allow for expected expansion during the pandemic - so might explain some of the quietness - I guess most of the staff at the Vic have got their hands quite full at the moment which may be why so few are “out and about” in the Hospital.
Just been at the Vic for a appointment. I’ve never seen the place with so few people around and those I saw were mainly nurses, I’m guessing but around 50% with no mask on.
I went today to collect my 2 year olds anti-seizure medication from the pharmacy and had the Spanish Inquisition of the security guard at the door because I didn’t have an appointment or a letter. Had to produce my driving license at the pharmacy as well. It was bizarre
As well as cancelled hospital appointments there are lots of other different ways of working during this crisis. For example, the vast majority of GP consultations here in Lincolnshire are bring done by video link / Skype / telephone rather than face to face. Hopefully, the public will get used to doing that in the future, Far more efficient and effective than filling health centre and A & E waiting rooms with often relatively minor ailments that don't require a physical examination. Also my local health centre has hundreds of Did Not Attend their appointments in a typical month (and did not inform the surgery) - time and resources wasted
As well as cancelled hospital appointments there are lots of other different ways of working during this crisis. For example, the vast majority of GP consultations here in Lincolnshire are bring done by video link / Skype / telephone rather than face to face. Hopefully, the public will get used to doing that in the future, Far more efficient and effective than filling health centre and A & E waiting rooms with often relatively minor ailments that don't require a physical examination. Also my local health centre has hundreds of Did Not Attend their appointments in a typical month (and did not inform the surgery) - time and resources wasted
Some good observations there Pete about the future - things will have to change and I would add financial penalties for DNA appointments at GP surgeries being a good start- say £25 would help - I would include thos on welfare benefits without a very good excuse
Believe me A&E are getting better at turning back those with minor ailments who actually turn up - on a more positive there appears to be less of these as they are scared of Covid.
Idea of drunk tanks for those presenting intoxicated
Again fine balancing act to be had - eg if you have chest pains signs of stroke or unusual bleeding get help immediately - early intervention saves lives and is cost effective